

Inhaber:                                                                     Walter H. Dreher                          USt-IDNr: DE 240 605 987
                                                                                    Jörg Niehus                                   USt-IDNr: DE 242 849 274
                                                                                    — Bürogemeinschaft —

Kontaktadresse:                                                        E-Mail             
                                                                                    Telefon                  0431 259 89 99                                           0431 237 77 89
                                                                                    Mobil                     0163 392 60 63                                           0170 401 99 88

Verantwortlich für Inhalt und Gestaltung:          Walter H. Dreher
                                                                                    Spreeallee 37
                                                                                    24111 Kiel


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